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Courses Running in the 2024/25 Session

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This page should also be used to find out the Informatics course acronym for each course, used elsewhere on the timetable or associated pages. The column labelled course title provides a link to the Informatics course page, the EUCLID code title links to the centrally published course information.

Any course that does not have a hyperlink from its name in the "Name and Link to Materials" column can only be accessed on Learn by enrolled users using their EASE log-in.

Additional course information is available in the Course Handbook for your year, and in course presentations and survey responses.

Name and Link to Materials Code/DPT Code (Shadow) Acronym Restricted Quota Level Points Year Delivery Exam Diet Work%/Exam% Course Organiser Additional Lecturers
Introduction to Quantum Programming and Semantics INFR11242 INFR11243 IQPS No None 11 10 5 SEM2 April/May 30/70 Chris Heunen None
Automated Reasoning INFR10087 AR No None 10 10 3 SEM1 December 40/60 Jacques Fleuriot None
The Human Factor: Working with Users INFR11141 INFR11276 THF No None 11 10 P SEM2 None 100/0 Tara Capel Alex Taylor
Compiling Techniques INFR10065 CT Yes None 10 20 3 SEM2 None 100/0 Amir Shaikhha Jackson Woodruff
Informatics 1 - Introduction to Computation INFR08025 INF1A Yes 400 08 20 1 SEM1 None 100/0 Don Sannella Julian Bradfield
Informatics 2 - Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures INFR08026 INF2-IADS No None 08 20 2 YR April/May 40/60 Mary Cryan John Longley
Informatics 2D - Reasoning and Agents INFR08010 INF2D No None 08 20 2 SEM2 April/May 30/70 Nadin Kokciyan Craig Innes, Kwabena Nuamah
Computing in the Classroom INFR10077 CIC Yes None 10 20 4 YR None 100/0 Judy Robertson None
Algorithmic Game Theory and its Applications INFR11020 INFR11218 AGTA Yes None 11 10 4 SEM2 April/May 20/80 Aris Filos-Ratsikas None
Types and Semantics for Programming Languages INFR11114 TSPL Yes None 11 10 4 SEM1 None 100/0 Philip Wadler None
MInf Project (Part 2) INFR11093 MIP2 Yes None 11 40 5 YR None 100/0 Hiroshi Shimodaira None
Individual Exploratory Project INFR11257 NLP-IEP Yes None 11 60 P SEM2 None 100/0 Frank Keller None
Topics in Biomedical Informatics INFR11263 INFR11282 TBI No 50 11 10 4 SEM2 April/May 0/100 Andrea Weisse Douglas Armstrong
MInf Project (Part 1) INFR10051 MIP1 Yes None 10 40 4 YR None 100/0 Hiroshi Shimodaira None
Data Science, Technology and Innovation Dissertation (Distance Learning) INFD11003 DISS-DSTI-DL Yes None 11 60 P FLEX None 100/0 Amir Vaxman None
Informatics Research Review INFR11136 IRR Yes None 11 10 P SEM1 None 100/0 Aurora Constantin None
Informatics 1 - Object Oriented Programming INFR08029 INF1B Yes 400 08 20 1 SEM2 None 100/0 Fiona Mcneill Adriana Sejfia, James Cheney
Introduction to Databases INFR10080 IDB No None 10 20 3 SEM1 December 20/80 Paolo Guagliardo None
Usable Security and Privacy INFR11158 INFR11230 USEC No None 11 10 P SEM2 April/May 20/80 Jingjie Li None
MSc Dissertation (Informatics) INFR11077 DISS Yes None 11 60 P SB5+ None 100/0 Amir Vaxman None
Applied Machine Learning INFR11211 AML No None 11 20 P SEM1 December 40/60 Oisin Mac Aodha Siddharth N
Machine Learning Theory INFR11202 INFR11224 MLT No None 11 10 4 SEM2 April/May 30/70 Rik Sarkar None
Quantum Cyber Security INFR11187 INFR11227 QCS No None 11 10 4 SEM2 April/May 25/75 Petros Wallden None
Reinforcement Learning INFR11010 INFR11236 RL Yes None 11 10 P SEM2 April/May 50/50 Michael Herrmann None
Automatic Speech Recognition INFR11033 INFR11219 ASR Yes None 11 10 4 SEM2 April/May 50/50 Peter Bell Hao Tang
Computer Graphics: Geometry and Simulation INFR11241 INFR11247 CGGS No None 11 10 4 SEM2 None 100/0 Amir Vaxman None
Modelling Concurrent Systems (Level 11) INFR11248 MCS No None 11 10 4 SEM1 April/May 60/40 Rob van Glabbeek None
Discrete Mathematics and Probability INFR08031 DMP No None 08 20 2 SEM1 December 60/40 Ian Stark Heather Yorston, Rob van Glabbeek
Case Studies in Design Informatics 1 INFR11094 CDI1 Yes 90 11 20 P SEM1 None 100/0 Susan Lechelt John Lee
Quantum Informatics Practical Orientation INFR11267 QIPO No None 11 20 P YR None 100/0 Chris Heunen None
Informatics 2 - Software Engineering and Professional Practice INFR08032 INF2-SEPP Yes None 08 20 2 SEM2 None 100/0 Cristina Alexandru Adriana Sejfia
Informatics Project Proposal INFR11147 IPP Yes None 11 10 P SEM2 None 100/0 Aurora Constantin Douglas Armstrong
Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition INFR11130 MLPR Yes None 11 20 4 SEM1 December 25/75 Arno Onken None
Simulation, Analysis, and Validation of Computational Models INFR11254 SAVM No None 11 10 4 SEM1 December 30/70 Michael Herrmann None
Computer Security (Level 11) INFR11244 CSEC-11 Yes None 11 20 P SEM1 December 30/70 Marc Juarez Miro None
Foundations of Natural Language Processing INFR10078 FNLP No None 10 20 3 SEM2 April/May 25/75 Ivan Titov Mirella Lapata
Case Studies in AI Ethics (CSAI) INFR11206 INFR11231 CSAI No 60 11 10 P SEM2 April/May 40/60 Nadin Kokciyan None
Algorithms and Data Structures INFR10052 ADS No None 10 10 3 SEM1 December 25/75 Aris Filos-Ratsikas None
Blockchains and Distributed Ledgers INFR11144 BDL No None 11 10 4 SEM1 December 30/70 Aggelos Kiayias None
Machine Learning Practical INFR11132 INFR11223 MLP Yes None 11 20 4 YR None 100/0 Hakan Bilen Pavlos Andreadis
Programming for Biomedical Informatics INFR11260 PBI No None 11 10 4 SEM1 December 20/80 Ian Simpson None
Introductory Applied Machine Learning (Distance Learning) INFD11005 IAML-DL Yes None 11 20 P SEM2 April/May 30/70 Nigel Goddard None
Introduction to Quantum Computing INFR11256 IQC Yes None 11 20 4 SEM1 December 25/75 Petros Wallden Chris Heunen, Joschka Roffe, Raul Garcia-Patron Sanchez
Advanced Database Systems INFR11199 INFR11217 ADBS Yes None 11 20 4 SEM2 April/May 50/50 Milos Nikolic Andreas Pieris
Computer Graphics: Rendering INFR11246 CGR No None 11 10 4 SEM1 None 100/0 Kartic Subr None
Computer Architecture and Design INFR10076 CARD No 70 10 20 3 SEM1 December 40/60 Nigel Topham None
Advanced Robotics INFR11213 ARO Yes 44 11 20 4 SEM1 December 50/50 Steve Tonneau Ram Ramamoorthy
Informatics Experiential Learning (Level 8) INFR08033 IEL-08 No None 08 20 2 YR None 100/0 Garry Ellard None
Seminar in Cognitive Modelling INFR11210 INFR11237 SCM Yes 45 11 20 P YR None 100/0 Maithilee Kunda Bonan Zhao
Text Technologies for Data Science INFR11145 INFR11229 TTDS No None 11 20 4 YR April/May 70/30 Walid Magdy Bjorn Ross, Tj Elmas
Machine Learning Systems Project (100 credits) INFR11271 MLSP100 No None 11 100 P YR None 100/0 Amos Storkey None
Methods for Causal Inference INFR11207 INFR11234 MCI Yes None 11 10 P SEM2 April/May 20/80 Ava Khamseh None
Computational Cognitive Neuroscience INFR11036 INFR11233 CCN No None 11 10 P SEM2 April/May 30/70 Peggy Series None
Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science INFR10059 ITCS Yes None 10 10 3 SEM1 December 20/80 Philip Wadler None
Distributed Systems (Level 11) INFR11022 DS No None 11 10 4 SEM1 December 25/75 Yuvraj Patel None
Masters Dissertation (Design Informatics) INFR11097 MDI Yes None 11 60 P FLEX None 100/0 Amir Vaxman None
Introductory Applied Machine Learning (Semester 2) INFR11205 IAML-PG2 Yes None 11 20 P SEM2 April/May 30/70 Tiejun Ma Fengxiang He
Modelling of Systems for Sustainability INFR10088 MOSS Yes 48 10 20 4 SEM1 None 100/0 Nigel Goddard David Sterratt
Operating Systems INFR10079 OS Yes None 10 20 3 SEM2 April/May 50/50 Antonio Barbalace Yuvraj Patel
Principles and Design of IoT Systems INFR11150 PDIOT No None 11 20 4 SEM1 None 100/0 D K Arvind None
Machine Learning Systems INFR11269 INFR11280 MLS No 999 11 20 4 SEM2 None 100/0 Luo Mai None
Computer Communications and Networks INFR10074 COMN Yes None 10 20 3 SEM2 April/May 50/50 Michio Honda Paul Patras
Professional Issues (Level 10) INFR10022 PI Yes None 10 10 3 SEM1 None 100/0 James Garforth None
Data-driven Business and Behaviour Analytics INFR11198 DBBA Yes None 11 20 P SEM1 December 50/50 Valerio Restocchi None
Introduction to Mobile Robotics INFR10085 MOB No None 10 10 3 SEM1 December 40/60 Mohan Sridharan None
Informatics 1 - Cognitive Science INFR08020 INF1-CG No None 08 20 1 SEM2 April/May 40/60 Frank Keller Matthias Hennig
Computational Cognitive Science INFR10054 CCS Yes None 10 10 3 SEM1 December 40/60 Christopher Lucas Benjamin Peters
Programming for Data Science at Scale INFR11255 PDSS No None 11 10 4 SEM1 None 100/0 Amir Shaikhha None
Honours Project (Informatics) INFR10044 PROJ Yes None 10 40 4 YR None 100/0 Hiroshi Shimodaira None
Elements of Programming Languages INFR10061 EPL No None 10 10 3 SEM1 December 20/80 James Cheney None
Accelerated Natural Language Processing INFR11125 ANLP No None 11 20 P SEM1 December 30/70 Edoardo Ponti Sharon Goldwater
Natural Language Understanding, Generation, and Machine Translation INFR11157 INFR11225 NLU-11 Yes None 11 20 4 SEM2 April/May 40/60 Alexandra Birch-Mayne Shay Cohen
Research Methods in Financial Computing INFR11216 RMFC Yes None 11 10 P SEM2 None 100/0 Tiejun Ma Fengxiang He
System Design Project INFR09032 SDP Yes None 09 20 3 SEM2 None 100/0 Michael Mistry Garry Ellard, Pavlos Andreadis
Software Testing INFR10057 ST No None 10 10 3 SEM1 None 100/0 Stuart Anderson None
Parallel Programming Languages and Systems (Level 11) INFR11023 INFR11226 PPLS Yes None 11 10 4 SEM2 April/May 20/80 Murray Cole None
Introduction to Modern Cryptography INFR11131 INFR11221 IMC No None 11 10 4 SEM2 April/May 30/70 Michele Ciampi None
Software Design and Modelling INFR10064 SDM No 100 10 20 3 SEM2 April/May 50/50 Perdita Stevens None
Privacy and Security with Machine Learning INFR11240 INFR11252 PSML Yes None 11 10 4 SEM2 April/May 25/75 Marc Juarez Miro None
Algorithmic Foundations of Data Science INFR11156 INFR11279 AFDS No None 11 10 4 SEM2 April/May 0/100 He Sun None
Informatics Large Practical INFR09051 ILP Yes None 09 20 3 SEM1 None 100/0 Michael Glienecke Changjian Li
Foundational Biomedical Artificial Intelligence Research INFR11262 F-BAIR No None 11 30 P YR April/May 40/60 Ian Simpson None
Machine Learning Systems Project (60 credits) INFR11270 MLSP60 No None 11 60 P SEM1 None 100/0 Amos Storkey None
Computer Security INFR10067 CSEC-10 Yes None 10 20 3 SEM1 December 25/75 Tariq Elahi Marc Juarez Miro, Markulf Kohlweiss
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Project INFR09053 EIP Yes 60 09 20 3 SEM2 None 100/0 Michael Rovatsos None
Human-Computer Interaction (Level 11) INFR11017 HCI No None 11 10 4 SEM1 None 100/0 Nicole Meng-Schneider Tara Capel
Informatics 2 - Foundations of Data Science INFR08030 INF2-FDS Yes None 08 20 2 YR April/May 60/40 David Sterratt Kobi Gal, Wenda Li
Computational Neuroscience INFR11209 CNS No None 11 10 4 SEM1 December 25/75 Angus Chadwick None
Informatics 2C - Introduction to Computer Systems INFR08027 INF2C-CS No None 08 20 2 SEM1 December 50/50 Boris Grot Bjoern Franke, Jianyi Cheng
Researching Responsible and Trustworthy Natural Language Processing INFR11259 NLP-RR Yes None 11 20 P YR None 100/0 Frank Keller Catherine Lai
Natural Computing (Distance Learning) INFD11007 NAT-DL Yes None 11 10 P SEM1 December 50/50 Michael Herrmann None
Applied Cloud Programming INFR11245 INFR11249 ACP No 150 11 10 4 SEM2 None 100/0 Michael Glienecke None
Informatics Project Proposal (Distance Learning) INFD11014 IPP-DL Yes None 11 10 P SEM2 None 100/0 Aurora Constantin None
Secure Programming INFR11098 SP Yes None 11 10 4 SEM1 December 30/70 David Aspinall None
Computer Vision INFR11212 INFR11278 CV No None 11 20 4 SEM2 April/May 50/50 Laura Sevilla-Lara Changjian Li, Eleonora D'Arnese
Modelling Concurrent Systems (Level 10) INFR10089 MCS-10 Yes None 10 10 3 SEM1 April/May 60/40 Rob van Glabbeek None
Machine Learning Systems Project (80 credits) INFR11272 MLSP80 No None 11 80 P SEM1 None 100/0 Amos Storkey None
Machine Learning INFR10086 MLG Yes None 10 20 3 SEM2 April/May 20/80 Hao Tang Hiroshi Shimodaira, Kia Nazarpour
Applied Interdisciplinary Project INFR11258 NLP-AIP Yes None 11 20 P SEM1 None 100/0 Peter Bell Tara Capel
Informatics Experiential Learning (Level 10) INFR10084 IEL-10 Yes None 10 20 3 YR None 100/0 Garry Ellard None
Quantum Informatics Group Project INFR11268 QIGP No None 11 20 P YR None 100/0 Alexandru Cojocaru None